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We believe in every math class our students will come into rich learning community that provides mathematics instructions. It will encourage all students regardless of their learning modalities or language proficiency to deepen their knowledge through struggle with rigorous meaningful problems that lead them to student to student discussions facilitated by the teachers. The mission of the mathematics department is to provide an environment where students can learn and become competent users of mathematics. The department will contribute to the development of students as mathematical thinkers, enabling them to become lifelong learners, to continue to grow in their chosen professions, and to function as productive citizens.

English Language Arts

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SULA MS 322 is dedicated to fostering student success by providing a solid academic foundation and maximizing intellectual potential in each individual within a nurturing yet academically challenging environment.


As a flagship community school SULA MS 322 cares deeply about literacy skills. ELA department provides a solid literacy foundation which actively engages our students in meaningful reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Using our four literacy modalities students will think critically about the academic disciplines as well as the real-world literacy application.


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The ENL program at SULA 322 is a program that works diligently to provide our students with the tools needed to progress in the English language. At our school, we developed differentiated groups based off of language acquisition to meet our students at their language level. We are proud of the numerous strives our students are displaying and we continue to grow as educators to ensure our students are learning.



Science & STEM

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SULA 322 goals of computer technology instructions:

  • Extend student learning beyond the walls of the classroom

  • Prepare students to be safe, responsible, and innovative digital citizens

  • Enable students with 21-century skills to enter the global economy

  • Enable students to take responsibility for their learning

  • Provide students with the tools to be successful in their future endeavors in higher education and/or careers

  • ​Provide equal access to technology and tools to all students in order to provide equal opportunities for all students

Social Studies

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The Social Studies team strives to help our students make knowledgeable and well thought out decisions for the good of the world around us as active citizens of a diverse and democratic society. We hope our students can use their literacy skills Social Studies so they can become stronger readers and writers who never stop questioning and challenging the world around them. The SULA MS 322 Social Studies curriculum strives to integrate the social sciences to prepare students to become informed and responsible global citizens. Students analyze change and continuity in the human condition through time and across cultures. Learning is promoted through skill development designed to prepare students to function in a democratic society as of a diverse interdependent world.


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SULA 322 goals of computer technology instructions:

  • Extend student learning beyond the walls of the classroom

  • Prepare students to be safe, responsible, and innovative digital citizens

  • Enable students with 21st-century skills to enter the global economy

  • Enable students to take responsibility for their learning

  • Provide students with the tools to be successful in their future endeavors in higher education and/or careers

  • ​Provide equal access to technology and tools to all students in order to provide equal opportunities for all students


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The Art program is designed to help students to become critical thinkers and visual problem solvers. Students will become aware of the creative process, which includes brainstorming, problem-solving, and analyzing and evaluating art. Students will use visual art structures and functions to solve design problems while expanding their own personal ideas and artistic style. Through art, students begin to see how the creative process relates to all disciplines and come to know art as a tool of communication and self­-expression.

Physical Education & Health

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The Physical Education and Health Department focuses on behavior change, as well as healthy decision-making. By promoting voluntary changes in behavior, students are then prepared to use these changes to make healthy decisions.



Bilingual Program

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The Dual Language Program at SULA 322 is designed to empower students with communication skills needed for the 21st Century. We take pride in developing our students’ academic native language while advancing their English language. The curriculum is designed to provide instruction in all content areas using two languages. This gives students the advantage to take the regents in Spanish and receive college credit. We work very closely with families to embrace their heritage and culture.

Special Services

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Speech Therapy:

SULA 322 provides mandated speech therapy services for children in the school. Our speech department works together with students, teachers, and administrators in and out of the classroom to make sure that each child on their caseload is provided with the tools and skills necessary to succeed academically. In conjunction with other educators, they develop individualized education plans (IEPs) that best serve each student’s individualized speech and language needs so that they may access the curriculum. Students’ goals range from increasing reading comprehension, improving writing abilities, acquisition of grade level vocabulary, improving sound and word production, increasing classroom participation and social skills, and implementing organizational strategies for academic purposes. Students learn a variety of strategies during speech sessions that they carry over into their classwork and homework. Our speech therapists love working with the students and staff from M322!


School Counselor:

SULA 322 provides a comprehensive guidance program that will assist all students in acquiring the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to become effective students, responsible citizens, productive workers, and lifelong learners. The counseling program is an integral part of the educational process, with the commitment to education, individuality and helping each student to reach their maximum potential. With collaborative and cooperative relationships, the program strives to meet the academic, personal/social, and career needs of every student. The program’s ultimate goal is for students to master the competencies necessary to be able to make self-directed, realistic, and responsible decisions and to be successful contributors to society.


School Psychologist:

SULA 322 helps it students to deal with various behavioral issues, learning difficulties, disabilities, emotional problems, and other concerns. Our school psychologist will provide counseling, mentoring, and instructional services to help promote wellness by reinforcing strong communication, problem-solving, anger management, self-regulation, or social skills.

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